Peace, Joy, and Happiness, Do They Exist in This World Outside of Jesus Christ as Savior?
As an automated response, most Christians will declare that there can be no happiness within this world without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. They are quick to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only means that a living person can have peace of mind. Joy within this troubled world, they say, cannot exist without Jesus.
They are wrong.
The error is not one of intention but rather is an error in the way certain bible teachings are applied. Is it possible that peace, joy, and happiness, can exist in this world outside of Jesus Christ as Savior? Answer truthfully.
This is not a question that should be answered without thought. The key to a correct response revolves around a right reading of the question. The phrase “in this world” makes all the difference in understanding.
Happiness Until Death
While living in this world, many unredeemed people have found a sense of peace, joy, and happiness. Judgment and justice do not regulate life in this world. Scripture makes clear that the rain falls and the sun shines on both the just and the unjust. And many would say that life is unfair.
There is a word from Jesus that promises peace to those who believe upon Him. There are no similar scriptural promises stating that those who do not know God will live in misery.
What? You do not believe me. Then consider these ponderings from the heart of the prophet Jeremiah.
“Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?” (Jeremiah 12:1).
Look also into the writings recorded in the book of Job. Here we see similar words proclaiming joy, and wealth, and happiness in the lives of the lost. It reads like this:
“They take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave,” (Job 21: 7-13).
Now you may say that a judgment was passed and that many of those of whom Jeremiah spoke paid with their lives. This is true. Yet did they not remain in ignorant happiness, at peace within their heart in sin, until that day came to be?
Or perhaps you forget the words of Christ concerning the days of Noah when he spoke to his followers in this manner:
“For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,” (Matthew 24:38).
See now, how that sinful people can know joy and peace and happiness for yet a spell. Look around at the wickedness within our own nation. So many walk in the blindness of a false peace, following a leader who fully denies the truth of holiness. And even those who fight against our current leader are fighting politics rather than wickedness.
During this lifetime upon this earth, some men will never suffer the burdens and consequences of their own wickedness. See the men and the women who so easily cast aside their marriage vows, and slip so quickly into the arms of another, and then another, and then another, forever seeking their personal pleasures, and never seeing within themselves any wrong what so ever.
So they live and rejoice in a sense of peace that is doom to crash head on into death, eternal judgment, and then hell fire.
Christian Suffering
On the other side of the question, we see that Christians are assured of sufferings, if for no other reason, then because of their faith. Men hated the Lord Jesus, and He has said that they will hate us as well.
Yes. In world terms, a person may find a sense of peace and joy that is without Jesus as Lord and Savior. For the peace of God is not worldly in nature. It is supernatural, a power that offers spots of rest in this life in exchange for an eternal joy in the next. It is the peace that Jesus gives when He commands that we must not let our heart be troubled, that we must no let our heart know fear.
It is the peace that surpasses the understanding of the unregenerate mind.
Come Now
This world’s notion of peace is confused and misleading, a beautifully wrapped container that conceals the death and destruction within. It is an eternity of emptiness, despair, and suffering hidden beneath a deceitful temporary illusion of peace. It is a place where men foolishly trade the eternal for the temporal. Sin can seem good for a season. But in the end, the wages of sin is death.
Come now. Let us reason together. I do not claim that you are miserable or that your life knows no good. But I tell you now, and I tell you true, just as today brings both light and dark, so too will eternity bring both death and life. Don’t wait until it is too late. Come to Jesus. Take a firm hold on the real thing.
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