Cul De Sac: Great Truths Bloom Within Tiny Comic Scripts
I do so enjoy reading a well-crafted and humorous comic script. Like flowers not fully opened, they often contain much more than a simple glance will reveal. Look deep, and you shall see great moral truths that are more easily accepted when blended into the humor of tiny comic scripts. For example: In a recent Cul de Sac, created and written by Richard Thompson, I found the following truth blossoming within a wonderful chuckle.
The scene was brief, a mere four panels. It begins with two kids on a porch staring into the rain. “Look, a rainbow!” says the girl-child. The boy-child merely dollops with open mouth.
Enter dad with a great rabble of wisdom concerning Isaac Newton and the scientific principles behind a rainbow.
Next panel: Dad has gone inside; the two kids stand with somewhat disillusioned facial expressions. I stopped with them, pondering for a moment the foolishness of trying to add something to the splendor of God’s glory. It is always in our nature to confound the simple.
In the final panel, the girl-child explains her father’s disease. She calls it “paternal explanatory syndrome”, or better known she says, as “drivelalia factosis”. Huge words, I think, trying to savor the chuckle for yet another moment. Then comes the kicker. Drivelalia Factosis, it seems, is caused “by a buildup of useless information in the brain”.
Beautiful insight, Mr. Thompson; I applaud your wisdom and your sense of humor.
Universal Press Syndicate distributes the printed version of Cul de Sac; the digital version is distributed by Uclick GoComics. Richard Thompson centers the script on Alice Otterloop, a four-year-old girl-child. I read the particular script addressed in this article as it appeared in the July 18, 2010 release of The Charlotte Observer. All words in quotes are taken directly from the pages of the script and they are fully accredited to the script creator, Mr. Richard Thompson.
Take some time and enjoy the simple things in life. Find a morally wholesome daily comic script and let life have a break.
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Hi, rmharrington here.
Thank you for reading my articles and stories. My goal is to glorify God, lift up the name of Jesus, and to provide quality reading material.
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