Christian Principles – Christians and Unclean Language
Unclean Jokes, Cursing, and Other Clearly Defined Non-Christian Behavior
The bible does not specifically define what is unclean language.
Unclean Jokes, Cursing, and Other Clearly Defined Non-Christian Behavior
The bible does not specifically define what is unclean language.
If Faith is a Gift From God, What Then Can a Man Bring to the Table? Men are not inheritably good. God will send good men to hell. Sin is man’s only contribution to salvation. God has the right to establish the terms.
Jesus Christ is the only answer.
“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away,” (Psalm 90:10).
Continue reading →To make a living as a freelance writer, you must learn to think profit.
An author sometimes writes to enhance his personal and professional reputation.
The freelance writing field is litter with scam artists.
Write fast, write often, but never sacrific
Christian Principles – Live Long by Living Near to the God of Love
In Psalm 91, the Holy Spirit inspired author writes of a secret place wherein men may dwell beneath the shadow of God.
To stand in this shadow, one must be very, very close to the solid
Living Water Springs Into a Well of Everlasting Life
Christians have grown lazy in their water purification habits.
Rather than a season along with God the Father, they settle for a few minutes with Google.
Discernment is a critical component of a balanced Christian life.
Christians can discern when and who to help.
To grow in discernment, one must learn to follow gifted Christian leaders.
Is Heaven Only a Spiritual Realm or Does Heaven Have a Physical Location?
Continue reading →Speaking in a tongue is not the evidence of salvation, though it may accompany the miracle.
Paul reminds his Corinthian readers, and us, of how men permit dumb idols to excite their flesh.
This means that God has never used the written word as a taskm
God heals the broken mind and strengthens us against the fear of a future yet unseen.
Medicines often merely cover up the symptoms of a problem
Keep it wrapped up in an insulated blanket of pills and treatments and blame.