Coming Out: Not Out of the Closet, Out of the Sin
Broadcasting Your Sin Will Not Remove The Guilt
Coming out, “Coming out of the closet”; this modern catch phrase has become an excuse for sin. Considering that Jesus said we are to enter into our closet to pray is it not understandable that Satan should choose these particular words as a means of expressing a supposed freedom to sin. Are we so blind, can we not see?
“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly,” (Matthew 6:6).
You say, “love the homosexual”, and I do for I have sinned as great a sin as has any person that has lived. I understand the mind of a loss man. I know the anguish of coming face to face with my own sinful nature. It is a difficult, humbling thing to do. The hurt that accompanies the acknowledgement of personal weaknesses can be overwhelming. Many times it seems easier to just live with it. But that only hides the pain for a little while. Rather than showing you how to take your sin into the open, true love cares enough to point the way into the closet of prayer.
Come out of the sin, not out of the closet
There was a time when I too created my own laws, a time when I ignored the authority of both man and God. In the course of the passing, right became wrong and wrong became right such that I stepped beyond even my wildest imaginations of where I might go if left to my own devices. Sin, in all of its ugly false promises, nearly destroyed my home, my family, and my life. But then Jesus came into my heart, and that which Satan sought to devour has been returned in a multiple beyond my understanding. The sin that once owned me without my knowledge is now an open enemy to be battle with all my might through a power that exceeds my personal weaknesses. It is God who now indwells this earthly vessel, and is His strength that overcomes my shames, my failures, and my pride at victories.
Even as a Christian there are times when the man in me would cast away scriptures that do not fit my fleshly desires. It is a day-by-day battle, this mortifying of the flesh. Sometimes I desire to lay down the oars that perhaps the war would end. Jesus said that the laborer should come to him, that the burdened should also come. End your self efforts is His meaning. Lay down your shame is His gift.
We are soldiers in a godly battle, which though already won is somehow still being fought. There is a peace in the mist of the war that no Christian can explain to the loss person. It is a peace that can never be gained through “Coming out of the closet” while retaining the sin. It is a peace that surpasses all that this world can ever offer such that when full of all earthly needs I have within me the presences of Christ, and when lacking of all but the essentials of earthly survival I still have within me the presences of Christ.
Many homosexuals proclaim that scripture does not condemn that lifestyle. You have not been around so long as to believe this lie. No, rather the mere phrase “Come out of the closet” lends evidence to the knowledge of a hidden sin. Our Christian forefathers knew this sin as what it is. For that purpose laws that prohibited the unnatural use of the body have long been upon the legal records of every state in this nation. The Holy Spirit writes it in this manner:
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” (Romans 1:26-28).
You can refuse to abide by scripture, but you cannot with any reasonable honesty deny that these are the written words and that they condemn the sexual activity of men with men and women with women. Thus we are taught that you are, therefore, without excuse.
Wherein Is Victory
We do not overcome personal sins in a day. It is a growing process that begins by acknowledging that God has the right to decide, that God has decided what is right, that God is right in his decision concerning these matters, and that the bible reveals God’s personal statement regarding the difference between right and wrong.
There is an enormous gap between righteousness and sin. It is a gap that cannot be bridged by anything less than truth. “Coming out of the closet” cannot heal the broken heart that remains in sin. Only Jesus can lift away that burden of shame and guilt that will one day consume even the most determined sinner. Only the indwelling of the Holy Spirit can instill the loss sinner with the power to walk in freedom.
Will you hear my words today? Will you acknowledge the emptiness within yourself? Will you understand this simple and eternal truth?
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved,” (Romans 10:9).
About the Author:
rmharrington is a Christian writer seeking to provide quality articles both for information and for Christian growth.
Read about the Holy Spirit at:—Life-Experience-Limited-by-Refusing-to-Receive-Holy-Spirit-Instructions&id=4278074
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