Portrait of a Servant, a Helper, and an Encourager: Jack Wellman
To choose to serve, to help, and to encourage: these are some of the greatest attributes that any Christian can cultivate. This article is a tribute to Jack Wellman, a man who establishes this truth.
To me, the words of Jesus as recorded in Luke 17: 5-10 make clear the relationship between faith that moves mountains and faith that moves one to service. Without a faith that is sufficient to induce a life of service, there can never be the empowering faith that moves the obstacles of live and service.
On 12/23/09, I posted my first Associated Content article. Aside from a few random reads, it seemed to go unnoticed. Seven articles later, I received my first comments from Shaila D. Touchton. On the next article, a comment from Dan Reveal joined Shaila’s comment (as to the awesome Christian standing of these two wonderful authors, I will write in a future article). For this article, I focus on Jack Wellman whom I first encountered through a comment he left in an article that I published on January the twenty-eighth.
He introduced himself in this wise:
“rmharrington, this is just incredibly good. Very fine work. I agree 110{36574689f809a7cc91b0ea370d1089f3910cd507b3289b163d4238a50f92a8f1} with your article. Nice work. I can’t wait to get to heaven. I haven’t seen you on AC yet, so please allow me to extend a warm WELCOME to you. I look forward to reading more of your articles, rmharrington (or do you go by RM?). Again, well done and WELCOME. Blessings. Oh yes, I forgot, I gave you TWO “Thumbs Up!” for this article. : – )”
The encouragement in his words intrigued me. I began to watch for his responses to other writers. I noticed on common theme. Jack Wellman knew how to say good things to other people. Being the hard-hitting heavy that I am, I wanted to learn more about this man and his methods. Christian behavior is a choice. The Spirit and the scriptures reveal unto us a right way of walking, but we must submit to that understanding and truth. In a very short time, I understood that Jack Wellman had chosen to live as he preached. I began to learn from him.
In time we became great friends. I needed help keeping up with things at Job’s Hope Solutions. Jack stepped right in. I’ve shared in personal contacts that he has established with others who seek to do God’s will. Jack is always there, always ready to elevate with a good word, and always ready to help in spite of his personal health issues.
There is more to say than what I can write in brief. And I do not want to make this long or embarrassing. Both Jack and I have served time behind bars, both the spiritual bars of sin and the man-made bars of prison. Some might say that we gained jailhouse religion. I don’t think that either of us cares what you call it. Jesus is Jesus in the church assembly, Jesus in the alleyway, Jesus in the prison, and Jesus at the right hand of God.
Today, Jack, I want to give you personal thanks for all the help you have been to me, to others, and to the purposes of God.
Now what follows, I advise you in advance is a sales pitch. Jack has no idea that I am doing this, so if it offends any one, blame me and not him. Notice Jack Wellman’s Associated Content bio:
“I’m a Christian author who raises money for churches/missions that wrote “Teaching Children The Gospel”, “Do Babies Go To Heaven?, Why Does God Allow Suffering?”, ($13) & “Blind Chance or Intelligent Design?, Empirical Methodologies & the Bible” ($10.00). Book proceeds support church & missions work. I’m working on a 4th book, which is a fictional story, in the C.S. Lewis genre “Antas of Threa”. I’ve been a Sunday school teacher since 1980. I’m a father & grandfather who has a BA in history, one in education, & one in science. Blind Chance is available on-line too but for $.”
Along with links to Amazon (http://www.jobshopesolutions.com/FreeToolsPage.html) and other sources through which you can purchase hardback copies of these books, I host on Job’s Hope links to a direct Pay pal purchase of these books in PDF ebook format http://www.jobshopesolutions.com/JWellman.html). The ebook format is must lower priced than the hardback.
You have all read and enjoyed excerpts from several of these books. Jack is seeking to establish and maintain a way of helping the homeless and the troubled. If you have some extra resources that are looking for a real home, consider purchasing Jack’s books in either format.
I guess I need do a disclaimer here. I am the creator of Job’s Hope Solutions. Jack does help me manage the writer needs of the site. Neither of us collects funds from the task.