Emotional Sickness. Physical Sickness. Spiritual Diseases. Does God Still Heal?
An Overview of Sickness in a Physical World as a Result of Sickness in the Spiritual Realm.
Continue reading →An Overview of Sickness in a Physical World as a Result of Sickness in the Spiritual Realm.
Continue reading →The simple knowledge that is common to the average modern-day man nearly exceeds the maximum knowledge of most ancient civilizations.
Yet we lack understanding.
We seek for a man who can show us workable answers.
Every person craves for happiness amid
“Spooky,” Keith said. He was looking at the night too. “You shouldn’t have stayed so late.” “Hump. Ain’t nothing out here.” I glanced around the yard, saw no sign of the dog, then cupped my hands before my mouth and called for him. “Ahhhya. Ahhhya.”
Continue reading →God hears your prayers, but he has, through the bible, already provided many of the answers. Prayers, god not listening, unanswered prayers, does God hear our prayers, where is your God
Continue reading →What Do Christian’s Do When Anxiety Suddenly Comes Upon Them?
The question begs to establish a difference between occasional battles with “minor” stress verses the deeper anxiety complications associated with the likes of dementia.
The seven fold, multifaceted character of God’s Word.
Seven is a biblical number for completion.
Law, testimonies, precepts, statutes, commandments, righteous judgments, and Word are the legal terms applied to God’s word.
Psalm 119 is the longest chapt
Unclean Jokes, Cursing, and Other Clearly Defined Non-Christian Behavior
The bible does not specifically define what is unclean language.
If Faith is a Gift From God, What Then Can a Man Bring to the Table? Men are not inheritably good. God will send good men to hell. Sin is man’s only contribution to salvation. God has the right to establish the terms.
Jesus Christ is the only answer.
“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away,” (Psalm 90:10).
Continue reading →To make a living as a freelance writer, you must learn to think profit.
An author sometimes writes to enhance his personal and professional reputation.
The freelance writing field is litter with scam artists.
Write fast, write often, but never sacrific