The Lawyers Assemble, Bank America Falls, and Our Investments Collapse: Justice or Revenge?
Friday, February 05, 2010, big names in the newspaper: the N.Y. attorney general files civil charges against Bank of America, Ken Lewis, and Joe Price. Is this more wasted law-play, or is it a serious effort to find justice? The economy suffers at a depth that exceeds my fifty-seven year old memory. At a time of overwhelming national unemployment levels, justice seems to be tangled up in a surge of finger pointing, paperwork, and revenge. Wall Street quivers behind the knees. The confidence of the American people lingers on the edge. Yet the criminal justice system continues to press and shove at the foundations. It seems that every time the waters begin to settle, some officious government bureaucrat spews mud into the river.
We need justice. We need to deal with criminals. I know; I have been dealt with. But where is common sense? We need to apply patience. Laws should benefit the people. The administration of law should help forward restoration (both civil and economic). We do not need vengeance; we need jobs, and security, and a time for settling down.
A troubled society seeks for a more sure solution.
The bible speaks of an age when every man did what was right in his own eyes. It was a bad time, a dangerous time. Society struggled through great trials. Civilization cannot exist without adequate legal controls. But the bible also speaks of unrighteous decrees, and of rulers that prescribe grievousness solutions. In the book of Isaiah, the Holy Spirit writes these words: “To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless (10:2). The powers that preside at bank America (from the small banks to the large ones) may be guilty of many crimes against the people of this nation. This does not give public leaders the right to behave rashly, to seek public recognition, or to pursue blind justice. Severe punishment is not always the best solution.
God chastises His own. This is a sure statement. “But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons,” (Heb. 12:8). This does not speak of a wild and reckless revenge. For scripture makes clear that God is merciful and kind, long suffering, and not willing that any should perish.
Patience, timing, and justice with mercy will provide a more sure solution to our national woes.
How can we apply truth to the problem?
Public servants must become ministers rather than taskmasters? Remember these words, you civic employees who claim Christianity: “Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them,” (Matt. 20:25). We do not need this ongoing assault of micro-managed authoritarian government. Be careful of the snares you lay for others. Look around you. Many have fallen into their own traps.
Jesus said, “whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant,” (Matt. 20:27). Servants minister; they do not manipulate and control. Concerning the Bofa lawsuit, the N.Y. attorney general states: “This was an arrogant scheme hatched by the bank’s top executives who believed they could play by their own set of rules.” This may be an absolute truth. Yet perhaps the reek of arrogrance is not limited to Bofa.
The plea.
I ask, all you public authorities, as a citizen of this great nation: how does this demand for instant vengeance serve justice in a manner that effectively helps the people?
About The Author:
rmharrington, Christian author.
Read about, The Lost Soul: Life Experience Limited by Refusing to Receive Holy Spirit Instructions (,
The Death of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, And a Young Man (