Though Praise May Not End The Circumstances, It Always Limits The Effectual Damages
In bible understanding, the name Judah means praise. It is revealed in this manner: “And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise the LORD: therefore she called his name Judah; and left bearing,” (Genesis 29:35). Here now, in this brief message, we shall see how that praise can limit the effectual damages of difficult circumstances.
Judah had many brothers, the youngest being called Joseph. As in many families, the father of these children expressed favoritism for this younger brother. This created a home atmosphere of pride, jealousy, and envy: the perfect setting for the unfolding of a murderous plot.
It begins when the brothers are far off and away from the watchful eyes of their father. In the distance, they see Joseph coming to join them. But rather than joy at seeing their younger brother, the bible says that they conspired to slay him. See in this how great is the evil that can enter the mind of people who get far away from our heavenly Father.
There was an older brother, the eldest, who was first to intercede for Joseph. This one they called Reuben, his name meaning, “see, a son” for he was the first born of Joseph’s father, Jacob. Notice here the symbolism of the first born as an intercessor for those who will follow, and remember that Jesus sits on the right hand of God the Father as our intercessor, the first of many who will follow into resurrection from death and enter into eternal life. [You Joseph purest hold off on panic for a moment, please].
Though Reuben convinced his brothers not to slay the youngest, he did it by moving them to take a less permanent action. Rather than shedding blood, they chose to cast Joseph into an empty well, a pit in the wilderness, a dry place. Notice how this illustrates the Christian walk when at times we are permitted to endure the difficult circumstances of living in hard times. Though Jesus is our salvation and our intercessor, there is need that we enter into periods of suffering.
Having cast their father’s favored child into a dry pit with no availability of either water or food, these wicked brothers then sat down to eat bread. How cruel is the contaminated heart.
Now we have mentioned Reuben as an intercessor, but this is only a fleeting token of the work of Christ. In the full depth of this story, from start to finish, we see that Joseph is the true typology of Jesus Christ and the salvation of mankind. In later scripture, not to be addressed here, this truth becomes self-evident. For now, we move on into a picture of praise as Judah enters the happenings.
While they shared their bread amongst themselves, the brothers beheld the approach of a caravan of travelers. Now they would have permitted Joseph to die in the pit, for they foolishly accepted that murder without bloodshed was cleaner than murder with bloodshed. Yet the scripture confirms that bloodshed remained on their mind.
Though death was in the making, praise intervened. It is recorded in this manner”
“And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt. And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood? Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brethren were content,” (Genesis 37:25-27).
They sold Joseph to the travelers. Later, Rueben would return to the pit, his intention that of slipping Joseph away, but already the greater plan of God was in motion. Perhaps this speaks lightly of the delay in our savior’s return. Though the sky could open at any time, and the dead in Christ could arise, and the church could be lifted away, there is yet need for more of the learning that comes from living upon this fallen earth. Thus Jesus delays his return, until at last the final sinner is redeemed.
Ah, but I move ahead too quickly, and I touch upon things outside of this study.
Step back, if you will, to that moment when Judah can between Joseph and death. Praise is his name. Remember that when your own circumstances seem overwhelming. Remember how that praise, though it did not end the suffering, for that was a part of God’s greater plan, it did limit the effectual damages.
It can do the same for you.
About The Author:
Hi, rmharrington here.
Thank you for reading my articles and stories. My goal is to glorify God, lift up the name of Jesus, and to provide quality reading material.
For further reading, try, “The Lawyers Assemble, Bank America Falls, and Our Investments Collapse: Justice or Revenge?” ( ),
“Country Roads – a Picture of Quiet” ( ).
Thank you again.
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